目前分類:愛生活 (20)

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《守夜》這部電影是由《一路有你》馬來西亞最高票房編劇—李勇昌編導的!主要演員包括:Gino 宇騰(台灣)、Mindee 王欣(新加坡)、Teddy 陳立謙(馬來西亞)和Kim 鄧繡金(馬來西亞)。

一對歡喜冤家大砲(陳立謙)和咪咪(鄧繡金)為了參加某個網站所舉辦的幽靈攝影比賽而贏取豐富的獎金,慕名前往位於偏遠鄉村以鬧鬼而聞名的“鬼宅”,卻遇上大宅70 歲的老管家黃石榴剛好病逝,在宅院內進行喪禮。

同時,另一年輕男子,大宅老管家的孫子黃忠義(Gino 宇騰),也出現在這棟大宅內。陳忠義為了一筆龐大的獎金而前來為祖父守夜,與慕名前來拍攝靈異照片的大砲和咪咪不打不相識。


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這是一部輕鬆搞笑的電影,我好像由頭笑到尾,到最後有點點的感動,想說有這些閨蜜還真不錯~好喜歡她們的造型,尤其是Cameron Diaz的女強人造型(不愧是出自Patricia Fields的手筆)。雖然是一部愛情喜劇,但在描繪女人的性情、心聲方面一點都不草率,偶然還會用一些誇張搞笑的手法。但是看完之後,都會引起女生的共鳴,女人不該為難女人(但不包括沒腦子/變態觀後感的女人),應該槍口一致對外,對付讓女人受傷累累的男人!
值得一看的電影,很久都沒有一部電影可以讓我發自內心的笑!唯一覺得不足的地方時,Kate Upon演技還有待加強


Carly (Cameron Diaz)是位幹練的紐約律師,對感情和男人都極為講究、挑剔,Mark (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau)時,卻卸下了對男人的防備、愛上了他,她主動造訪男友位在康乃狄克州的家,想給他個驚喜,沒料到卻發現馬克已有了個老婆Kate (Leslie Mann),凱特是忠心顧家的家庭主婦,對老公馬克的出軌大為震驚,而卡莉則對男友已婚的事實超火大,不過兩人並沒有因此交惡,反倒逐漸結為盟友,還發現了馬克的小四Amber (Kate Upton)於是三個女人聯手反擊,讓花心的馬克嚐到劈腿的苦果,她們的策略愈來愈精准奏效,友誼也變得更加堅強。


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這是一部輕鬆搞笑的電影,我好像由頭笑到尾,到最後有點點的感動,想說有這些閨蜜還真不錯~好喜歡她們的造型,尤其是Cameron Diaz的女強人造型(不愧是出自Patricia Fields的手筆)。雖然是一部愛情喜劇,但在描繪女人的性情、心聲方面一點都不草率,偶然還會用一些誇張搞笑的手法。但是看完之後,都會引起女生的共鳴,女人不該為難女人(但不包括沒腦子/變態觀後感的女人),應該槍口一致對外,對付讓女人受傷累累的男人!
值得一看的電影,很久都沒有一部電影可以讓我發自內心的笑!唯一覺得不足的地方時,Kate Upon演技還有待加強


Carly (Cameron Diaz)是位幹練的紐約律師,對感情和男人都極為講究、挑剔,Mark (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau)時,卻卸下了對男人的防備、愛上了他,她主動造訪男友位在康乃狄克州的家,想給他個驚喜,沒料到卻發現馬克已有了個老婆Kate (Leslie Mann),凱特是忠心顧家的家庭主婦,對老公馬克的出軌大為震驚,而卡莉則對男友已婚的事實超火大,不過兩人並沒有因此交惡,反倒逐漸結為盟友,還發現了馬克的小四Amber (K​​ate Upton)於是三個女人聯手反擊,讓花心的馬克嚐到劈腿的苦果,她們的策略愈來愈精准奏效,友誼也變得更加堅強。


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What is TABLEAPP - Birthday Dining

" Malaysia FIRST restaurant dining app to simplify the birthday celebration. Let's make reservation and get exclusive discount."

What TABLEAPP - Birthday Dining can do? 

1. Best choice restaurants to celebrate birthday party
2. Reserve birthday exclusive offer
3. Remember your friends birthday


TABLEAPP Birthday Dining App just released few days ago, follow this guide would help you get more familiar with how to grab deals for your birthday party :P

Step 1: Import your friend list

To import your facebook friend list to our app. Firstly, you can do it on the introduction page when you just installed and open the app for the first time (Refer to image on the left). If you missed out on this, don't worry you could still import your facebook friends here on the third tab with a human icon(Refer to image on the right).

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我非常感谢他对我的包容,我常欺负他、 乱发脾气,但他都没有离开过我。

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Dear Diary,

Welcome August!
Is time to share with you guys what I did last month.
I’m quite tired last month but extremely excited! Busy to deal with many people for something else (is secret… I can’t tell you guys now, probably next month will know the result then I can share the good news).


(left) simple casual look, Top/ MNG  Cardigan/ Cotton On   Skirt/ Topshop  Sandals/Cotton On
(center) LBD/ Topshop  Earrings/ Forever 21
(right) Top/  Louvie Couture (I love this cute top? dress? very much)  Armswag/  Cotton On  Short/ Cotton On

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Dear Diary,

June is a hazy, wonderful & adventurous month for me! Although something BAD happen, but we can go through it. I attended two events this month and meet some famous beauty blogger! I feel like my first day to school, shy to talk with stranger but hope can know some good friend! Sometimes I do feel awkward but I am still enjoying, is the amazing experiences and opportunity to improve my “social” skill.


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Are you looking something special for your party gift?
Party Hat brings you some creative party gift idea – Handmade crochet! 

Party Hat????????

"Party Hat is the first party planner in Malaysia to bring parties to your home!" 

Other party service, you can refer here >> Breakfast Party with Party Hat

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  •  当晚,由《继续转动》这首歌掀开序幕!
  • 开始要唱《外套》这首歌的时候,颜志琳竟然忘词~但台下的观众反而更加High!大力鼓掌给颜志琳鼓励,而尤秋兴则帮忙打圆场。
  • 他们提及曾参与一部电视剧,但自嘲说这部电视剧不红,大家应该没有印象。当这部电视剧主题曲的前奏一响起,观众开始尖叫了!虽然这部剧不红,但是主题曲却是大家熟悉的《彩虹》。
  • 除了动力火车的歌曲之外,他们也唱了一些别人的歌曲,包括:热情的沙漠、 你快乐所以我快乐、你是我的眼。
  • 表演嘉宾是Popu Lady(华研旗下的五人女子团体),成员包括:洪诗、宝儿、大元、宇珊、庭萱。 虽然他们很可爱,但和这场演唱会有点不搭。 
  • 这场演唱会他们也演唱了不少的新歌,包括: 光、莫忘初衷、艾琳娜、寂寞无赖、珍惜。新专辑《光》里面的歌都很好听,很多首歌都很有意思而且能够振奋人心~~~ 
  • 动力火车演唱了摇滚版的生日歌,祝银河集团19岁生日快乐~
  • 最后,以《忠孝東路走九遍》作为结束!
  • 安可曲则是《再会吧我的心上人》和《当》为这场演唱会画下完美的句点。

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Dear Diary,

May, is a busy month for me. I just start up my online business – Share it. It might not consider as business because I didn't earn (I spend more than earn), just want to find someone can share the delivery fees with me.

If you read my previous blogspot, you probably already know what kind of product I selling :)
Yeap! Is the famous Stylenanda 3CE cosmetic! I crazy about this brand! The product I brought:

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“如果你沒勇氣陪我到 明天的明天的明天…”


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Dear Diary,

 Can’t believe is May already. How time flies! Is the time to write about April recap?  

April is quite busy month for me! I start a new “business”! Most of the time I sitting in front of PC to edit photo and research!

1. #OOTD – Recently I uploaded my daily outfit to WIWT.com and get 3X editor choice! Make me obsessed of posting my ootd .. LOL (sometime I post old photo)!

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这两个Application - MyTeksiWatch Over Me女生一定要下载!



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观后感 Review:

再次谢谢Nuffnang送我首映戏票!这次是我第一次到One UtamaTGV Cinemas IMAX (新开的) 看戏,座位又大又舒服,即使我坐在最傍边的位子,也不会扭到颈(哈哈)!
言归正传,Oblivion这部电影我觉得还OK ~~~~ 前半部的确有点沉闷,大部份在炫耀无懈可击的特效技术后半部的故事情节开始紧凑,渐渐变得好看起来了。 Oblivion主要在卖阿汤哥的脸蛋和特效,故事虽然有意想不到的结果,但起伏不大~~ (女生的观点,男生应该会喜欢拍远景时,阿汤哥还蛮帅的,但近看真的“成熟”了!这部电影给我的感觉是,未来版的Mission Impossible

Once again, thanks Nuffnang for the premiere screening ticket. This is the first time I visit TGV Cinemas IMAX at One Utama which is new launch on December(?), the seat are pretty comfortable but the officer look serious (look like bodyguard ..MIB)
Oblivion – this movie more to show off their fancy effect. The storyline is quite weak but have some twist at the end. I think many guys may prefer this movie.  This movie is kinda like Mission Impossible but in futuristic version.

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Hot Air Balloon Fiesta又回来了,今年是第五届了!前四届我都错过,这一次终于有机会去玩!


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"Happy April Fool's Day!"

How your weekend? I just came back from 5th international hot air balloon fiesta 2013, damn tired! Woke up early than working day...
Is time to sharing what I had done last month. Normally I will blog in English once a month and summary my last month activity/ blog post for my friend and reader who don’t know Mandarin (FYI for those random visitor)

1. Jack The Giant Slayer – I like this movie!
2. Due to February too many holiday and celebration so our Valentine’s Day celebration drag until March. Mr. S been force to bring me go THIRTY8 atGrand Hyatt Hotel to try their signature’s cake. This is the yummiest dessert I had tried before (I miss this signature’s cake).
3. Another dessert from THIRTY8 - Straight from the oven chocolate cake,raspberry sorbet, vanilla anglais

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我很少发电影或电视剧有关的文章,虽然我是不择不扣的戏迷,好多电影我都有Follow到,但是这部Oz The Great And Powerful实在让我太意外了,一定要和大家分享一下。


我会想看这部电影的原因是.... 《绿野仙踪》是我小时后爱的童话故事之一。而Oz The Great And Powerful是它的前传,虽然我爱这童话故事,但我并没有抱着太大的期待入场。我看了它的预告片,它的色彩给我的感觉太卡通了,我猜想它的故事情节应该适合小孩。
看完之后,完全打破我对这部电影的想法。虽然服装、颜色我还是觉得很卡通,但是绝对没有影响紧张又刺激的故事情节。 有笑果同时也有效果,特效做的超梦幻的,前半部简直可以剪成电视机的广告或游乐园里面的3D电影。 男主角OZ(James Franco)的笑容痞痞的,好帅哦!

The main reason I am going to watch this movie is because “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” is one of my favorite childhood storybook. I still remember I borrow this book from my tuition teacher. Actually I didn’t expect too much for this movie after I watch the trailer, I feel like the storyline will be quite simple and childish, due to the colour is too “cartoon” and cloth is too “costume”.
But I was wrong about this movie, the costume didn’t affect the movie, the storyline still very exciting. The graphic effects are superb good and fantasy, I think the effect look good in 3D. The first 30 minutes can use as TV ad commercial or themes park 3D movie. Btw, James Franco are damn HOT!

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February (my favorite month, my birthday month & Chinese New Year) is officially over!
Today I totally no mood to work, next February please come back ASAP  :P
What I had done in my favorite month?

1.  Celebrate my birthday with Mr. Sam a.k.a “someone” (he force me change his nickname in my blog) at Marini’s on 57 – the most awesome birthday celebration I ever had.  Mr. Sam, next year please do better than this year!
Birthday post is here --> Marini's on 57..My Birthday Celebration

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January Favorite Photo :P 

Anniversary Getaway| Singapore 

Outfit in Singapore 

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上星期我出席了本年度第一个Party~~~~We Love Asia Music Festival

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