
观后感 Review:

再次谢谢Nuffnang送我首映戏票!这次是我第一次到One UtamaTGV Cinemas IMAX (新开的) 看戏,座位又大又舒服,即使我坐在最傍边的位子,也不会扭到颈(哈哈)!
言归正传,Oblivion这部电影我觉得还OK ~~~~ 前半部的确有点沉闷,大部份在炫耀无懈可击的特效技术后半部的故事情节开始紧凑,渐渐变得好看起来了。 Oblivion主要在卖阿汤哥的脸蛋和特效,故事虽然有意想不到的结果,但起伏不大~~ (女生的观点,男生应该会喜欢拍远景时,阿汤哥还蛮帅的,但近看真的“成熟”了!这部电影给我的感觉是,未来版的Mission Impossible

Once again, thanks Nuffnang for the premiere screening ticket. This is the first time I visit TGV Cinemas IMAX at One Utama which is new launch on December(?), the seat are pretty comfortable but the officer look serious (look like bodyguard ..MIB)
Oblivion – this movie more to show off their fancy effect. The storyline is quite weak but have some twist at the end. I think many guys may prefer this movie.  This movie is kinda like Mission Impossible but in futuristic version.

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Alice in Wonderland Tea Party by Kiss Me Kate  (www.andersruff.com)
小时候看过爱丽丝梦游记后,总是响往可以参加可爱又精致的Tea Party。大家都精心打扮,坐在宁静的花园上,优雅的吃这小点心,与知心好友闲聊!

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party by Kiss Me Kate  (www.andersruff.com)
现在终于有这个机会了,希望可以参加 Bag of Love Unboxing Tea Party held at Delectable Su (Paradigm Mall),完成我儿时的梦想。在马来西亚这种天气,坐在宁静的花园就免了,妆应该会融化吧!但是能和一些志同道合的朋友,边讨论最新的Bag of Love,边享受Delectable Su提供的小点心!这机会实在难得!

Bag of Love 在上个月刚刚推出!看到许多部落客分享上个月的Bag of Love ~ 好烧哦!没有买到实在很可惜(我默默的买了下个月的)!我喜欢他们用化妆包作为包装的idea!到手之后再和大家分享(期待ing)~~~~~~

和我一样想参加的朋友可以到The Butterfly Project - Beauty Bloggers 报到!!

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Hot Air Balloon Fiesta又回来了,今年是第五届了!前四届我都错过,这一次终于有机会去玩!


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Pancakes @ Nosh (The Classic) - RM 12

" NOSH - Noun: Food. Verb: Eat food enthusiastically or greedily. Synonyms: food - chow - grub ... NOSH.MY"

The Noshling - RM18
当天,我的计划是要去Reebonz Space看能不能找到我要的包包,结果计划失败!当天的促销只卖一些不热门的包款~让我失望的离开~~
既然难得来到Bangsar,就尝试我想吃很久的NOSH, 之前看到Bangsar Babe给他们很高的评价,就一直想来试试!

Pancake @ Nosh (The Classic) - 目前为止,我看到最完美的Pancake了!完美的金黄色,厚但松软!我个人经验,要煎那么厚的Pancake而且不烧焦是件很难的事(可能是我的技术问题,哈哈)!
The Noshling - 超大颗的蛋黄配上新鲜的三文鱼和面包,再淋上Hollandaise sauce (荷兰酱、荷兰酸辣酱)。我承认我不太能接受Hollandaise sauce,对我来说,它太浓稠了!难怪我不太喜欢Egg Bendict!
Cappuccino - RM 9

Americano - RM 8

illy coffee简直就是品质的保证,咖啡不差,蛮香浓的,但是略显薄了一点。

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"Happy April Fool's Day!"

How your weekend? I just came back from 5th international hot air balloon fiesta 2013, damn tired! Woke up early than working day...
Is time to sharing what I had done last month. Normally I will blog in English once a month and summary my last month activity/ blog post for my friend and reader who don’t know Mandarin (FYI for those random visitor)

1. Jack The Giant Slayer – I like this movie!
2. Due to February too many holiday and celebration so our Valentine’s Day celebration drag until March. Mr. S been force to bring me go THIRTY8 atGrand Hyatt Hotel to try their signature’s cake. This is the yummiest dessert I had tried before (I miss this signature’s cake).
3. Another dessert from THIRTY8 - Straight from the oven chocolate cake,raspberry sorbet, vanilla anglais

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“Harrods是目前英国最大的百货公司。成立于1849年,历史超过160年。历史、皇室、奢华,让Harrods这个名字有种迷人的魅力。 ”

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